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About 40 of us came to the VV Plaza on Saturday 2PM to be led in a brief ceremony sponsored by UWVC Executive Director Mark Otto.

The attendees included: Vince McGowan, Marty Edelman, Molly Levi, Peter Funk, Joe Mondello, Bill Unger, Al Smith, Benevenido Perez, Jesse Figueroa, Drenee Goodman, Audrey Waters, Vicki Miano, Kevin Hertell (SAR), James Chung, David Song, Min Ho Lee, Don Bak and about 25 other KAVVA members.  We looked at a new KAVVA Poster depicting many facts from the Vietnam War.  We waited until NYC Commissioner James Hendon arrived to start the program.


Mark opened by relating his personal story of being fathered by a Vietnam War vet and owing his existence to his parents efforts.

He then welcomed all that wanted to speak to come up and say few words.  They included: Marty and Vince from VVA126, James Chung from the Korean War Veterans Association of NY (VVA126 AVVA), Molly Levi (remembering Pat Gualtieri who started these ceremonies, Vicki Miano (Gold Star Sister), Kevin Hertell (SAR) and NYC DVS Commissioner James Hendon.  Commissioner Hendon spoke about the deeds of the Vietnam era veterans and ended with an inspiring Proclamation from NYC Mayor Eric Adams that was read and then presented to VVA126 Secretary Marty Edelman.  Mark then led us in bringing and laying 10 wreaths against the Wall including those from: VVA126, KAVVA, 55 Water Street and VVA. We concluded this 'laying of the wreaths' with a group picture with all attendees!


Just after 3PM, we walked over to Beckett’s Pub, to a private upstairs room for lunch and drinks, sponsored by the UWVC, with most folks enjoying camaraderie until 4:30 PM.


The VVA126 Board thanks Mark Otto and his UWVC team in sponsoring this lovely event.


Mike Moreno

Vietnam Veterans of America

Chapter 126

PO Box 203

New York, NY 10010-0203

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