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To All Veterans, Supporters and Friends

My name is Frederick C Gasior, President of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 126. Our organization is dedicated to ensuring that appropriate reconciliation of military service is granted to all Veterans of all generations, races, colors, and creeds. We work within the Veterans community to obtain Veterans benefits and services, and assist with Veterans homelessness and support the families of Veterans who have given their last breath of life for their country. We help those from all wars who are struggling with the wounds of war seen and unseen. PTSD, Suicide, and Substance Dependence are at epidemic heights. The current health crises, national political mismanagement, and recent military deaths have effected negatively many Veterans. We need your help now.


Chapter 126, Vietnam Veterans of America is currently working on a project that would enable Disabled Veterans to be part of the largest Veterans Day parade in the nation. The light again shines on New York City’s salute to Veterans and all uniformed services. If financial means are available we have plans to have a float in the parade with seating for 25 disabled Veterans.

 The current nation health crisis has effected all of America. Conditions have improved with medical technologies and vaccinations and America is winning this war. We need to get out and “Welcome all Americas Heroes” including our Military, Medical, and uniformed services.


In order to make a difference, we need your support and generous contribution. Our heroes stand on the ramparts of Freedom defending you and I against enemies seen and unseen. It's time to honor those who have sacrificed so” Others May Live”. We would be most appreciative and grateful if you could provide a cash donation of whatever you are able to give. Your support is critical to the completion of this project and many others.     


Donations can be made directly on the secure link below, or sent to our mailing address which is VVA 126, PO Box 203, New York, New York 10010. Your generous support and contributions are tax-deductible.  Chapter 126 is a 501{c} 19 non for profit charitable organization.


Thank You so much for your kind consideration of our request. God Bless and Protect all our Uniformed Services and GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.



Frederick C Gasior

President Chapter 126

Vietnam Veterans of America.

You can donate by Credit or Debit Card on our secure PayPal link

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