Chapter 126 Events

On Wednesday., Nov. 6th, 2024, our Chapter members enjoyed an elegant event at the prestigious Metropolitan Club, honoring Bruce Mosler a dedicated Veteran supporter.
Every year, the Friends of Vietnam Veterans Plaza selects an honoree for their annual luncheon.
This is a well-attended event by veterans, community leaders, and supporters.
The event started with a cocktail reception; color guard, opening ceremony, and speaker remarks.
Veterans were recognized in the audience with resounding applause.
Our Founding Chapter member, and Founding President of United War Veterans Council, Vince McGowan shared his warm and welcoming comments, with appreciation and acknowledgements.
We enjoyed an excellently presented and delicious meal, dessert, and fine wine!
Bruce Mosler was presented with the Phelps Award and shared his comments; very moving and unifying; especially needed for America at this time.
Our Chapter was honored to have Jack McManus, the National President, of Vietnam Veterans of America join us this year as our guest, courtesy of our Chapter President Fred Gasior.

Lap Robes for the Handicapted Veterans
On, Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024, Fred, Molly, Michelle, Monica, and Fred Messa met up at the Manhattan VA Hospital.to distribute lap robes blankets to wheelchair-bound veterans to keep the veteran's legs warm.
We set up in the lobby level with a great backdrop of flags displayed behind our table. We garnered much interest with many ambulatory veterans and hospital staff stopping by to see what we were offering. They fully understood when we explained these lap robes are for wheelchair-bound veterans presently. But to their delight, Molly had a full bowl of candy available that they were invited to partake in!
During our 2 hour visit, we distributed approximately 25 lap robes to various wheelchair-bound veterans on the main floor and dialysis unit.
Everyone was very gracious and the recipients of the lab robes were truly appreciative of this beautiful and useful gift. Our generosity and thoughtfulness was well embraced by the VA Hospital too! This was a rewarding event shared by all team members