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New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial

August 10th 2021

Mike Moreno welcomed all those in attendance.

The Marines 6th Communications Battalion posted our colors

The Star Spangled Banner was beautifully song by Michele DellaFave

Fred Gasior led us with the Pledge of Allegiance and presented the Benediction that was inspiring and informative about Agent Orange

Loree Sutton gave a meaning full and spirited presentation

Loree Sutton dedicated a candle to Agent Orange and Burn Pit veterans

Manhattan Boro President Gale Brewer gave a very informative presentation suggestion we name our event Agent Orange Remembrance Day.

Gale Brewer dedicated a candle to Agent Orange and Burn Pit veterans

Mike Moreno gave a presentation on what Agent Orange means to him

Keynote Speaker NYC DVS Commissioner James Hendon gave an animated presentation calling our event Agent Orange Awareness Day

Commissioner  Hendon dedicated a candle to Agent Orange and Burn Bit veterans

UWVC President Mark Otto spoke on the effects of the Gulf War Illness and called this day a very “Meaningful Event"

Mark Otto dedicated a candle to Agent Orange and Burn Pit veterans

We closed the night with a prayer for them and their families

We lit and dedicated one large orange flame candle for all the miscarriage and stillborn babies that never lived because of Agent Orange, and to those children born with birth defects caused by Agent Orange

We lit and dedicated orange candles to all the veterans on our program who have died or are suffering from illnesses caused by their Agent Orange exposure

We lit and dedicated candles to all the Middle East conflicts veterans who have passed or are suffering from illnesses caused by burn pits, burning oil wells, and other harmful airborne contaminants.

Agent Orange Day - August 10th, 2021.

KAVVA President Don Bak presented a Vietnam War in Memory tribute to Commissioner Hendon.

The Marines 6th Communications Battalion

The Following Veterans Had Candles Dedicated to Their Honor

Raymond Coder         Mike Moreno – A childhood friend I knew and loved since we were 6 years old.

                                    When I visit the old neighborhood, I always think of him.

Dennis Oder               Mike Moreno – He served in my company the Delta Raiders, 101st Airborne –

                                     A brave soldier and a great man

Max Jasso                   Mike Moreno - Another Delta Raider and the happiest soldier you will ever meet.

                                     I will miss him

VVA 126 - 7 of our VVA Chapter who have passed due to Agent Orange

Bill Gwalnety              Gone but not forgotten

Bob Marchese           Gone but not forgotten

Denis McBride           Gone but not forgotten

Sal  Raucci                 Gone but not forgotten

Al Bach                       Gone but not forgotten

Bill Fischer                 Gone but not forgotten

John Harvey              Gone but not forgotten

VVA Chapter 11

Joe Ingino                  Big Joe has undergone major surgery caused Agent Orange.

                                    We wish him a speedy recovery

VVA 72- Chapter members who have passed due to Agent Orange

Joe Reiter                  Gone but not forgotten

Tony Bianco              Gone but not forgotten

Dennis Braunfeld      Gone but not forgotten

Hank Burke               Gone but not forgotten

Mauro Bacolo            Gone but not forgotten

Sal Popolo                 Gone but not forgotten

Tommy Peasley        Gone but not forgotten

VVA 1074 in Martinsburg WV  (Dallas Miller)

Chapter members who have passed due to Agent Orange

Larry Miller                 Brother of Dallas Miller - Gone but not forgotten

William 'Bill' Jones    Army 101st Airborne - Gone but not forgotten

William Lucas            Marine - Gone but not forgotten

Dale Hodgins            Army 1st Cav - Gone but not forgotten

Issac Battino              Army 25th Infantry - Gone but not forgotten

Carlo Albanese- These veterans are honored for their dedication to Agent Orange issues

Capt. Irish Agnes Bresnahan The only female veteran to die of stateside from Agent Orange exposure

Leroy Foster              Never forgotten - Your work will continue

Fred Gersh                 Never forgotten - Your work will continue

Gary Chenett             Never forgotten - Your work will continue

Mike Eckstein            Never forgotten - Your work will continue

Wally Ward                Never forgotten - Your work will continue

Mike Palo                   Never forgotten - Your work will continue


Mike Moreno

Vietnam Veterans of America

Chapter 126

PO Box 203

New York, NY 10010-0203

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